The Mindful Mama Series™
Giving mothers of color a space to breathe and be.
We educate and help to empower mothers using yoga and self-care techniques. These intimate workshops are designed to be a safe space for the participants. Each session incorporates the following:
We create an environment for healing using therapeutic yoga poses, mindfulness activities, breathwork, guided meditation, reflective journaling, and community support.
Learn ways to care for yourself using therapeutic yoga poses, Ayurveda-inspired rituals, African traditions and self-care techniques.
The participants gather in a SistaCircle of like-minded women who are all in different stages of their parenting journey. These are mothers who pour into others and often neglect themselves. They have full lives, many household demands and want to be the best version of themselves for their children. As they build community, they inspire, support, encourage and empower one another.

Workshop Settings:
- public schools
- private schools
- community health centers
- birthing centers
- behavioral health centers
Topics include:
- Self Esteem + Personal Power
- Self Love
- Forgiveness
- Intentional Parenting
- Anger Management
- Co-Parenting Calm
- Grief Support